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Get P2P Merchant List

Rate limit:10 requests/s (UID)


Get P2P merchant list

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/p2p/merchantList
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameter

onlineStringNoWhether online?
yes: online
no: offline
idLessThanStringNoThe minMerchantId returned from the previous query.
Returns data whose ID is less than the entry parameter.
limitStringNoNumber of queries
The default value is 100
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1681195810516,
"data": {
"merchantList": [
"registerTime": "1678674575000",
"nickName": "test1",
"isOnline": "no",
"avgPaymentTime": "0",
"avgReleaseTime": "0",
"totalTrades": "0",
"totalBuy": "0",
"totalSell": "0",
"totalCompletionRate": "0",
"trades30d": "8",
"sell30d": "4",
"buy30d": "4",
"completionRate30d": "0.8"
"minMerchantId": "1"

Response Parameter

> merchantListArrayMerchant list
> registerTimeStringRegistration time
> nickNameStringAlias
> isOnlineStringWhether online
> avgPaymentTimeStringAverage payment time
(in minutes)
> avgReleaseTimeStringAverage time to release coins
(in minutes)
> totalTradesStringTotal traded orders
> totalBuyStringTotal number of purchase orders
> totalSellStringTotal number of sell orders
> totalCompletionRateStringTotal execution rate
> trades30dString30-day trading volume
> sell30dString30-day sell orders
> buy30dString30-day purchase orders
> completionRate30dString30-day close rate
minMerchantIdStringReturns the smallest merchantId in the result

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