What Should Be Done If I Cannot Receive The Verification Code or Other Notifications?

Dear Bitget users:

If you cannot receive a mobile phone verification code, email verification code or other notifications when using Bitget, please try the following methods.

1. Mobile phone verification code

(1) Please try to click send verification code several times and wait

(2) Check whether it is blocked by third-party software on the mobile phone

2. Mail verification code

(1) Check whether it is blocked by the mail spam box

(2) Whitelist our verification code email addresses (service@003.mail.bitget.com, service@send001.mail.bitget.com)

(3) Restart your mobile device, sign out of the Bitget APP, then sign back in. If you are using the Bitget Web/PC, refresh the webpage

(4) Check if you're able to receive the verification code through other devices or browsers