Sequoia Capital Partner: Telegram plays an important role in many pro-democracy protests
Sequoia Capital partner Shaun Maguire wrote on X platform that Telegram founder Pavel Durov was arrested in France on August 25. Despite the controversies surrounding the Telegram platform, Durov should be seen as a hero rather than a villain. He pointed out that Durov created Telegram with the intention of resisting authoritarian governments and allowing citizens to communicate across borders and regimes. Maguire also mentioned that Telegram has played an important role in many pro-democracy protests over the past decade. The French government has brought 12 charges against Durov, but Maguire believes that these charges could apply to any social media platform. He called for attention to this matter, believing that it concerns the future of Western liberal values, and hopes that French President Macron can intervene in this matter.
Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.
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