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Earn up to $200 every week as a P2P merchant on Bitget!

Bitget Announcement2024/05/23 06:35
By:Bitget Announcement

Exclusive promotion for VND Merchants on Bitget P2P. How to get up to $200 every week as a VND P2P merchant? Sell USDT to Bitget P2P users. Receive $0.5(12000 VND) for each user you sell USDT to. Increase your rewards by selling USDT to more users. Example: Sell USDT to 100 Bitget P2P users to earn

Exclusive promotion for VND Merchants on Bitget P2P.
How to get up to $200 every week as a VND P2P merchant?
  • Sell USDT to Bitget P2P users. Receive $0.5(12000 VND) for each user you sell USDT to.
  • Increase your rewards by selling USDT to more users.
Example: Sell USDT to 100 Bitget P2P users to earn a $50 reward.
  • Only unique users with orders above 50 USDT count toward rewards calculation.
  • Only merchants who have sold USDT are eligible for rewards.
  • Only unique users who have purchased USDT from you will be counted when calculating this reward.
  • Merchants with the highest number of unique users can earn up to $200 in rewards weekly.
  • A $1000 prize pool is available every week.
  • No security deposit is required to become a VND merchant on Bitget P2P.
  • One week is defined as the current Monday to the next Monday.
Download the Bitget App and apply to become our merchant, as shown below!
  1. Rewards will be distributed in USDT within seven working days after every Friday.
  2. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users who perform wash trading, the bulk registration of accounts, or trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
  3. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the terms and conditions. Contact us if you have any questions.
For P2P order/appeal issues, contact @P2PBitgetSupport.
For any queries regarding the merchant application, you can reach out to us on Telegram at @bitgetp2ppay or @P2PBitgetSupport, or email us at
Login to Bitget > Select Buy Crypto > Choose P2P Trading > Select your market.
Start your P2P trading journey here !

Disclaimer: The content of this article solely reflects the author's opinion and does not represent the platform in any capacity. This article is not intended to serve as a reference for making investment decisions.

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