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Join the Bitget VIP community and enjoy exclusive benefits!

Join the Bitget VIP community and enjoy exclusive benefits!
Dear Bitget VIP users, we sincerely invite you to join the VIP community where you will enjoy exclusive benefits!
Welcome gifts:
  1. 100 USDT trading bonus
  2. 1 merchandise (we have coffee cup, whiskey Set, t-shirt, cap, bag)
  3. 1 meal coupon (worth 50 USDT)
Exclusive benefits:
  1. Transaction fees discout
  2. Exclusive access to Bitget news/events
  3. Online sharing sessions with Bitget experts
  4. Online meetings with Bitget executives
  5. First-hand m arket quotas
  6. Birthday gifts/festival presents
  7. VIP promotion rewards
  8. Opportunities to participate in global offline events organized by Bitget
  9. 24/7 online customer service

How to join the Bitget VIP community:
1. For VIP users, please fill out the [application form] first. Then send your UID and your joining request to @BitgetZoeLeeBot on Telegram. After it is reviewed and approved, @BitgetZoeLeeBot will send you the community invite link.
2. For normal users, please upgrade to a Bitget VIP user first. Click [here] to see how to become VIP. Then follow step 1.
  1. You must be a Bitget VIP user to join the VIP community.
  2. After filling out the form, please send your UID and group-join application to the official Bitget Telegram account @BitgetZoeLeeBot. Once approved, @BitgetZoeLeeBot will send you the group invitation link.
  3. Please make sure to verify the official Bitget account @BitgetZoeLeeBot to avoid scams. No other Bitget staff members will send you private messages under any circumstances.
  4. The rewards for joining the group are limited in type and quantity, available on a first-come, first-served basis.