Bitget App
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Industry-leading commissions

Industry-leading commissions

Messi invites you to join Bitget and start earning monthly passive income.

Bitget helps content creators, community leaders, social media influencers, and other KOLs to monetize their influence. Boost your passive income with high commissions!


Why join the Bitget Affiliate Program?

Bitget offers industry leading commissions to affiliates in a secure, transparent, and convenient trading environment.

  • Industry-leading commissions

    Industry-leading commissions

    Up to 50% spot and futures trading commissions.

    Become an affiliateblueArrow
  • Join Messi

    Join Messi

    Join Messi, the official partner of Bitget, and start earning monthly passive income with just a few simple steps.

    Become an affiliateblueArrow
  • 1:1 Proof of Reserves

    1:1 Proof of Reserves

    We publish our Merkle Tree proof, Proof of Reserves, and platform reserve ratio on a monthly basis.

    Become an affiliateblueArrow

Value-added services for affiliates

Bitget helps affiliates develop sustainable passive income in an all-round comprehensive way.

Plenty of offline activities

Meet with Bitget executives, have access to top industry summits, and get tickets to a variety of sports and entertainment events.

Become an affiliateblueArrow
  • Support for content development

    Support for content development

    We will provide you with sample scripts of creative videos that are easy to understand.

    1. Produce your own unique content.
    2. Simply shoot,
    3. record, and share the content with your followers.
    Become an affiliateblueArrow
  • Dedicated staff

    Dedicated staff

    We will assist you on becoming a top affiliate.

    1. Our staff speaks dozens of languages worldwide.
    2. Localized services
    3. 24/7 regardless of the time zone.
    Become an affiliateblueArrow
  • Exclusive access to the latest news.

    Exclusive access to the latest news.

    Valuable resources to cultivate followers' trust and loyalty.

    1. Industry research reports to help you earn.
    2. Early access to industry hotspots, insights, and resources.
    3. Early access to internal products and services.
    Become an affiliateblueArrow

Three steps to earn high commissions.

Three steps to earn high commissions with our Affiliate Program.

  • Become an affiliate.

    Become an affiliate.

    It only takes three minutes to fill in the application. Become a Bitget affiliate when your application gets approved.

  • Share your referral link.

    Share your referral link.

    Invite at least five friends or fans to register as new users using your exclusive referral link or invitation code.

  • Earn generous commissions.

    Earn generous commissions.

    You will earn commissions when your referrals reach a monthly trading volume of 100,000 USDT.


Bitget has over 80,000 affiliates.

With over 80,000 affiliates worldwide, covering over 150 countries and regions, Bitget has paid out over 20,000 BTC in commissions.

  • Moshin Channel
    Moshin Channel
    XX 23k followers
    YoutubeYoutube 100k subscribers
  • Angga Andinata
    Angga Andinata
    XX 54k followers
    YoutubeYoutube 517k subscribers
    Bitget has supported me extensively to ensure a smooth experience, not just for me, but my community too. A fantastic product, great listings, supportive fees.
  • David Justin
    David Justin
    FacebookFacebook 69k followers
    InstagramInstagram 25k followers
    Bitget is the world's fastest-growing crypto trading platform. This user-friendly, all-in-one platform caters to all your crypto trading needs. With 384 crypto coins to choose from, it's no surprise that over 2 million traders worldwide prefer Bitget.
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Bitget Affiliate

Earn passive income and achieve financial freedom.

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