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Get History Plan Orders

Frequency limit: 20 times/1s (UID)


Get History Plan Orders

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/spot/trade/history-plan-order
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:your apiKey" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameter

symbolStringYesTrading pair, e.g. BTCUSDT
startTimeStringYesThe start time of the historical trigger orders, i.e. to get orders after that timestamp
Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
The interval between startTime and endTime must not exceed 90 days
endTimeStringYesThe end time of the historical trigger orders, i.e., getting orders prior to that timestamp
Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
The interval between startTime and endTime must not exceed 90 days.
Default is 100, max is 100
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1668134581005,
"data": {
"nextFlag": false,
"idLessThan": "1",
"orderList": [
"orderId": "121211212122",
"clientOid": "121211212122",
"symbol": "TRXUSDT",
"size": "151",
"executePrice": "0.041572",
"triggerPrice": "0.041572",
"status": "not_trigger",
"orderType": "limit",
"side": "buy",
"triggerType": "fill_price",
"enterPointSource": "API",
"uTime": "1668134576563",
"cTime": "1668134576563"

Response Parameter

nextFlagbooleanIf Has next query data by idLessThan or not
idLessThanStringRequests the content on the page before this ID (older data), the value input should be the endId of the corresponding interface.
orderListArrayOrder List
>orderIdStringOrder ID
>clientOidStringClient customized ID
>symbolStringTrading pair
>triggerPriceStringTrigger price
>orderTypeStringOrder type
limit: limit order
market: market order
>executePriceStringExecution price
>planTypeStringOrder type
amount: By amount of the order
total: By trading volume of the order
If placeType=amount, the quote currency is the base coin.
If placeType=total, the quote currency is the quote coin.
executed: Executed successfully
fail_execute: Fail in execution
cancelled: Cancelled
>sideStringDirection : buy or sell
>triggerTypeStringTrigger type
fill_price: filled price
mark_price: mark price
>enterPointSourceStringOrder source
WEB: Orders created on the website
API: Orders created on API
SYS: System managed orders, usually generated by forced liquidation logic
ANDROID: Orders created on the Android app
IOS: Orders created on the iOS app
>cTimeStringCreation time, Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
>uTimeStringUpdate time, Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868

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