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Get Account Bills

Frequency limit: 10 times/1s (User ID)


Get Account Bills

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/spot/account/bills
Request Example
curl "" \
-H "ACCESS-KEY:*******" \
-H "ACCESS-TIMESTAMP:1659076670000" \
-H "locale:en-US" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json"

Request Parameters

coinStringNoToken name, e.g. USDT
groupTypeStringNoBilling type
deposit Deposit
withdraw Withdraw
transaction Transaction
transfer Transfer
other Other
businessTypeStringNoBusiness type
deposit: Deposit
withdraw: Withdraw
buy: Buy
sell: Sell
deduction of handling fee: Deduction of spot trading transaction fee
transfer-in: Transfer-in
transfer-out: Transfer-out
rebate rewards: Rebate
airdrop rewards: Airdrop rewards
USDT contract rewards: USDT futures promotion rewards
mix contract rewards: Mix contract promotion rewards
system lock: System lock-up
user lock: User lock-up
startTimeStringNoThe start time of the billing history, i.e., getting the billing history after that timestamp
Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
endTimeStringNoThe end time of the billing history, i.e., getting the billing history before that timestamp
Unix millisecond timestamp, e.g. 1690196141868
The interval between startTime and endTime must not exceed 90 days.
limitStringNoNumber of results returned. Default: 100, maximum 500.
idLessThanStringNoRequests the content on the page before this ID (older data), the value input should be the billId of the corresponding interface.
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"message": "success",
"requestTime": 1695808949356,
"data": [
"cTime": "1622697148",
"coin": "usdt",
"groupType": "deposit",
"businessType": "transfer-in",
"size": "1",
"balance": "1",
"fees": "0",
"billId": "1291"

Response Parameters

cTimeStringCreation time
coinStringToken name
groupTypeStringBilling type
deposit Deposit
withdraw Withdraw
transaction Transaction
transfer Transfer
other Other
businessTypeStringBusiness type of billing
balanceStringAssets prior to transfer
feesStringTransaction fees
billIdStringBilling ID

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