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Get Position Tier

Frequency limit: 10 times/1s (IP)


Get the position gradient configuration of a certain trading pair

HTTP Request

  • GET /api/v2/mix/market/query-position-lever
Request Example
curl ""

Request Parameters

productTypeStringYesProduct type
USDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures
COIN-FUTURES Mixed futures
USDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures
SUSDT-FUTURES USDT professional futures demo
SCOIN-FUTURES Mixed futures demo
SUSDC-FUTURES USDC professional futures demo
symbolStringYesTrading pair
Response Example
"code": "00000",
"msg": "success",
"requestTime": 1695796884470,
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"level": "1",
"startUnit": "0",
"endUnit": "50000",
"leverage": "125",
"keepMarginRate": "0.004"
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"level": "2",
"startUnit": "50000",
"endUnit": "200000",
"leverage": "100",
"keepMarginRate": "0.005"

Response Parameters

>>symbolStringTrading pair name
>>startUnitStringMinimum value
>>endUnitStringMaximum value
>>keepMarginRateStringMaintenance margin rate: The margin amount corresponds to the position quantity tier. When the margin rate of a position is less than the maintenance margin rate, it will trigger a forced partial liquidation or full liquidation.

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