

Now everybody can post a P2P Advertisement on Bitget P2P!

Ordinary users can post ads by clicking the [ Post an ad] button on the up-right corner of Bitget P2P page now without applying to be a merchant.
Post an ad
Both private ads and public ads are allowed to post by ordinary users with the following conditions.
Private ads posting rules:
A private ad will not be published in the P2P market. You can share private ads with special users and choose the people you want to trade with safely under the Bitget P2P escrow system.
If a user wants to post a private ad, he needs to complete a P2P order with merchants' ads first. After that, he can post private buy ads to let people sell cryptos to him, or post private sell ads to let people buy cryptos from him.
Click here to learn more about how to post private ads.
Public ads posting rules:
A public ad will be published in the P2P market and be seen by other users publicly.
If a user wants to post a public ad, he needs to meet the following conditions first.
  1. Complete at least 1 sell order(sell cryptos to merchants' buy ads).
  2. 30-day order completion rate ≥80%.
  3. Have an account age of ≥7 days.
Ordinary users can only post 1 sell ad publicly to let people buy cryptos from them. Posting public buy ads(let people sell cryptos to them) are not allowed for ordinary users unless they apply to be a P2P merchant.
Select advertisement market
Note:Posting a public buy ad is not allowed for ordinary users.
Click here to learn more about ordinary users posting P2P ads requirements.
How to filter ordinary user ads:
  1. For all certified merchants, we have added an exclusive logo to them. You can see the logo on Bitget P2P page.

How to filter ordinary user ads

  1. We have merchant filter button on the Bitget P2P page. You can click this button to filter merchant ads only.
Filter merchant ads only

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