

How to Link (Bind) Accounts Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global

We have successfully linked accounts between the Bitget Turkey site and the Bitget Global site.

Users are able to conveniently transfer crypto (for free) between Bitget Turkey site and Bitget Global site, after binding the two accounts across these two sites.

The process of binding the two accounts across these two exchanges is as follows. In this document, we will take that user's initiation of the binding on the Bitget Global site as an example.

Step 1: Log in to either the Bitget Global site or the Bitget Turkey site.

Ensure that you have completed KYC-Level 1 on both sites, and all identity information and KYC materials submitted on both sites should be consistent, including the name, nationality, type of identity documents, and so on. If information is inconsistent on both sites, the binding process will fail.

>> How to complete KYC on Bitget Global

>> How to Complete KYC on Bitget Turkey Site

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Step 2: Select Assets (wallet icon on top) > Select Bitget TR in the left catalog > Click "Bind Bitget TR" account

How to Link (Bind) Accounts Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global image 2

If you are on Bitget Turkey site at this step, the difference is to "Select Bitget on left catalog".

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Step 3: After clicking "Bind Bitget TR account", a new Bitget TR page will open.

If you haven't logged into Bitget TR or if you're new to Bitget TR, the new page will prompt you to log in or register a Bitget TR account and complete KYC verification.

>> How to Complete KYC on Bitget Turkey Site

If you've already logged in to Bitget TR and completed KYC verification, then please read the notification and click "Confirm".

How to Link (Bind) Accounts Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global image 4

Account binding is successful once your KYC verification on both sites is consistent.

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Step 4: Please return to the Bitget Global page and refresh manually. You will then see the bound account information and can begin transferring crypto between accounts.

>> How to Transfer Crypto Assets Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global

More Information:

>> How to Transfer Crypto Assets Between Bitget Turkey and Bitget Global

>> How to Buy Crypto with TRY on Bitget Turkey Site

>> How to Deposit Withdraw TRY on Bitget Turkey Site

>> How to Register and Complete KYC on Bitget Turkey Site

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