

Bitget to update Strategy Trading to Trading Bots

Bitget will upgrade Strategy Trading to Trading Bots on May 23, 2023 (UTC+8). The following features will be updated to improve user experience:

No. Existing name Updated name
1 Strategy Trading Trading Bots
2 Strategy Copy Trading Bot Copy Trading
3 Spot DCA Spot Martingale
4 Futures DCA Futures Martingale

*Note: You can visit the Trading Bots page and choose any type of bot to create a strategy, subscribe to strategists through bot copy trading, or purchase a single strategy to use in your trading.


  • This renaming only affects the Bitget Strategy Trading module (on both the website and app). For users in Simplified and Traditional Chinese countries and regions, nothing will change.

  • Strategies in operation will not be affected by this renaming process.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused! Thank you for your support and understanding! Bitget will continue to provide you with better products and services!

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