

How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website?

You can buy and sell crypto using your local currency via multiple payment methods on the Bitget website.
  1. Log in to your Bitget account and go to [ P2P Trading (0 Fee)] - [ Payment methods].

How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website? image 0

Click [+ Add payment method].
How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website? image 1
  1. Select your preferred fiat currency.

How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website? image 2

Select your preferred payment method.
How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website? image 3
  1. Enter your payment information.

How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website? image 4

  1. Enter your Fund Code and click [Save and use], and the new payment method will be available.

How to add new payment methods for P2P trading on the Bitget website? image 5