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Nigeria Plans to Introduce Crypto Licensing Process: Bloomberg

AICoinAICoin2024/08/20 19:00

Nigeria's Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) plans to license issuers of virtual assets including cryptocurrencies as adoption surges in the West African nation, Bloomberg reported on Tuesday.

The SEC wants to issue its first licenses for digital service and tokenized assets as early as this month, Director-General Emomotimi Agama told Bloomberg.

The Abuja-based regulator is responding to the surge in demand for crypto, Agama said. "The market size is huge and it is growing,” Agama said.

Nigeria is following nations across the world who have decided to license crypto companies. South Africa, the largest economy on the continent, recently started a crypto licensing regime. France introduced a new regime earlier this month, and the U.K. has been registering companies under its anti-money laundering rules since 2020 while it waits for more specific rules.

Nigeria also plans to introduce a bill by September that would enable it to tax crypto . In the meantime, the country is suing crypto exchange Binance for tax evasion and money laundering and is holding one of its executives in prison on money laundering charges.

CoinDesk reached out to Nigeria's SEC for comment.

Read more: Gambaryan Family Says Binance Executive Is Being Denied Access to Lawyers, Health Is Deteriorating




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为了更精确的计算币种维度与现货盈亏数据,现货交易于2024年9月19日10:15:44(UTC+8)引入新指标“保本价”。 保本价=(期初交易持仓量×期初保本价+变动量×变动时价格)÷(期初交易持仓量+变动量) 币种保本价表示用户在 Bitget 平台内通过现货、闪兑或小额兑换交易得到的币种资产的盈亏平衡价,将从第一笔现货、闪兑或小额兑换的交易增量开始统计。 所有币种的起始保本价均为0,当交易持仓量归0时,表示一个保本价计算周期结束,保本价同时归0。 “保本价”功能上线后将会替代原有“成本价”展示在现货资产页和现货交易页。 现货保本价可在币种分析查看。

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LINKUSD 现已上线合约交易

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