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Cellula, a game of life, Cellular Automata, and vPOW

AW_ResearchAW_Research2024/04/18 10:19

Author: Kaikai
From: AW Research

About Cellula

Cellula is a fully on-chain artificial life simulation game. Players explore, cultivate, evolve, and collect unique Life forms in the game.

On April, Cellula has successfully completed a $2M Pre-Seed funding round, with SevenXVentures and OKX_Ventures leading the investment, supported by MaskNetwork ForesightVentures. Building on initial backing from BinanceLabs through its Incubation Program.

On April 16, Cellula announced its Alpha version of the Cellula Mainnet goes live in just 24 hours, launching the first game, 'Game of Life', on the BSC network.

Cellula Airdrop Alliance Program

Cellula also distributing the first batch of $CELL Tokens to BNB Chain ecosystem users through the Airdrop Alliance program.

In this event, Cellula will distribute a total of 1,100,000 $CELL tokens to eligible users.

Event Duration: April 15, 2024 — April 28, 2024

Event link:


Cellula’s mission reflects on the profound exploration of artificial life, emphasizing its endless nature and the urgent need to consider the essence of humanity amidst advancing technologies. It underscores the belief that life is defined by behavior rather than substance, advocating for the abstraction of life's logic to create simulations that transcend physical constraints.

Highlighting the collaborative efforts of scientists in the study of artificial life, it delineates how artificial life and artificial intelligence represent different paths toward understanding life's complexities. The decision to leverage NFTs in creating an on-chain artificial life simulation game, Cellula, is presented as a groundbreaking endeavor to explore emergence and unleash creative freedom in generating unique life forms.

Cellula is envisioned not just as a game but as a decentralized platform for collaborative exploration and evolution of artificial life, engaging diverse stakeholders to push the boundaries of innovation. Ultimately, it aims to inspire a new era of discovery and innovation, driven by a collective effort to shape the future.

Game-Related Concepts

Cellula has two fundamental components, the 3* 3 Bitcell and the 9* 9 Bitlife, which collect energy through Bitlife's vPOW.

Bitcell resembles small cubes, with a total of 10220 such cubes divided into 20 groups, each containing 511 (2^9-1) different small squares. Players can use them to play games, and in the future, they can also rent them out. BitCell NFTs are not yet available for sale, effectively provided to players for free to use to Mint Bitlife.

Bitlife, on the other hand, is a 9*9 large square composed of 9 Bitcells put together. This is the core mechanism of the Cellula game design. Each Bitlife can help players obtain more energy in the game, and players can freely combine Bitcells to create their own Bitlife.

Bitlife requires charging to function, with charging available in three types, lasting for 1 day, 3 days, and 7 days respectively. Each type of charging has different prices and durations, with the price of charging for 1 day being 0.0001 BNB, 0.0003 BNB for 3 days, and 0.0007 BNB for 7 days.

In the game, there are tasks and daily rewards that players can earn upon completion. Additionally, there is a leaderboard feature for both player computing power rankings and BitLife rankings, with the BitLife selection interface resembling a cobo.

The objective of this game is to collect energy using these Bitlife entities on the blockchain. The rules for self-iteration and reproduction of Bitlife are based on the concept of Conway's Game of Life.

Game play: How to Collect Energy in Cellula Game?

Official staff in Discord give the answers:

The most worry-free way is to:

  1. Buy the top-ranked BitLife in the store

  2. Then charge and mine

  3. Remember to claim all energy before April 28th

Snapshot on the 28th, receive L3 OAT on the 29th

Gameplay Steps:

1.Enter the game interface at to start the game.

2.Enter the BitLife Hub to explore and select from the existing BitLife available in the BitLife Hub.

Players can enter the BitLife Hub to purchase BitLife using the mint function. They can utilize the 🔽 in the BitLife Shop to filter by Hashrate value and purchase BitLife based on different time lengths of computational power.

Recent Price: Price of collecting energy

1D Hashrate: One-day computational power

7D Hashrate: Seven-day computational power

Daily Energy: Daily energy = (Your computational power / Network computational power) * 100% * 100


During the minting process, the cost of each "BitLife" follows the VRGDA issuance mechanism, employing a progressive Dutch auction. If the market demand for BitLife exceeds expectations, the minting cost will increase. If demand is insufficient, the cost will decrease. When demand meets expectations, the cost remains unchanged.

3.Alternatively, enter the page and combine Bitcell to mint your own BitLife.

Click ▶️ to see a playback of the BitLife's block height and hash rate changes.

The initial canvas size of the Crafting Table is 9x9 squares. As time progresses and BitLife evolves, Bitcell will extend beyond the canvas and compute hash rates.

The logic of BitLife is based on the rules of Conway's Game of Life, a cellular automaton.

About Conway’s game of life

Conway's Game of Life is a classic cellular automaton invented by British mathematician John Conway in 1970. It is a zero-player game, meaning its evolution is determined solely by its initial state without requiring any player intervention.

In the game, there is a two-dimensional grid of squares, where each square can either be alive (typically represented by a filled square) or dead (typically represented by an empty square).

The specific rules of evolution are as follows:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies due to isolation.

  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors survives to the next generation.

  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies due to overcrowding.

  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell in the next generation.

For Cellua, it also follows these rules, bringing the logic of Conway's Game of Life onto the blockchain, undergoing infinite evolution. Although the Crafting Table canvas grid is 9x9, cells beyond the grid continue to evolve and contribute to computing power.

4.After mint BitLife, click back to the interface, then click on the building. You will see two lists: "Resting" and "Working." Your newly minted BitLife will appear in the "Resting" list. You need to click "Charge" to charge BitLife so that it can work and collect energy for you. Charging options include 1/3/7 days.

5.Clicking on "Working" allows you to view the BitLife currently in operation.

6.After successfully charging your BitLife, it will be displayed in the "Working" list. Clicking on the wreath icon allows players to collect energy. Energy earnings are updated every five minutes, so players don't need to collect energy every five minutes.

7.Clicking on the top left corner displays the overall network hashrate, personal hashrate, and the percentage of personal computing power compared to the total computing power.

8.Clicking on "Leaderboard" allows you to view the top gamers in the game as well as your own ranking.

9.Quest System - Social Points "Life"

After completing quests, you can claim energy rewards.

What are the uses of social points "Life"? They will be empowered in the future, so please pay attention to official announcements in the DC!


  • Currently, when players mint BitLife with higher computational power by themselves, they won't receive profits when other users mint the same BitLife.

  • When players mint BitLife by themselves, the system will automatically list it on the BitLife Hub. Manual listing is not supported at the moment.

  • As more players purchase the same BitLife, its price will gradually increase.

  • The initial grid in the game is 9*9. Even if cells continue to evolve beyond this range, the system will still calculate their computational power.

  • The game shares similarities with Bitcoin mining and can even leverage physical computing resources. For players producing BitLife using physical computing resources, the cost of producing one BitLife equals its floor price plus the cost of physical machines.


Q1: Can players mint the highest hashing power BitLife?

There are a total of 10,220 BitCells in the game, divided into 20 groups, each containing 511 different cells. Each BitCell is a 3x3 matrix. If you calculate the probability, there are a total of 2^81-1 possible combinations. However, there is no such thing as an optimal solution. The optimal BitLife choice will vary depending on different energy collection times. Therefore, for ordinary players, the most convenient way is to buy ready-made BitLife in the shop.

Q2: Can users fork BitLife from the leaderboard to get cheaper prices?

No, the price is the same as minting in the BitLife Hub.

Any fork essentially interacts with the contract, and the price of any fork will remain consistent with the market minting. The BitLife sold in the BitLife Hub is actually synthesized by other players, just like a one-click copy, but the price will be higher than the first minting. This is because the manufacturing cost of each BitLife follows the VRGDA issuance mechanism, and adjusts dynamically through a gradually increasing Dutch auction.

Therefore, once a player discovers and mint a specific BitLife, the arrangement of this BitLife will be publicly recorded on the blockchain and made public. This means that the creator of this BitLife has a first-mover advantage. For example, they can mint more of the same BitLife first to raise the price. Then, other players can mint without permission after discovering it, making the price subject to market supply and demand dynamics, becoming a public market bidding process.

In short, everyone has the ability to mint, but once minting s complete, the BitLife becomes a public item, and anyone can mint it, with the price determined by the market. When minting a high hashing power BitLife, users can mint more in advance, but other players may also participate in the competition because minting is permissionless.

Q3: Is the hashing power of BitLife permanent?

It is dynamically changing. According to the rules of Conway's Game of Life, with the increase in usage time, some may decrease to zero, while others may stabilize at a certain value.

MUD Community Call

Cellua once showcased a Pac-Man game during the Mud Community Call demo, demonstrating the potential of the Cellua platform. We look forward to seeing more games developed based on Cellua and the application of BitLife in various scenarios in the future.

Video link 🔗:

More information:







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