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Bing Ventures to Host Web3 Founders & Funders at ETHDenver 2024

Bing VenturesBing Ventures2024/03/11 07:58
作者:Bing Ventures

Bing Ventures, a pioneering venture capital firm backing early projects in Web3 and Blockchain, is set to host a premier “ Web3 Founders Funders ” event during  ETHDenver 2024 , in collaboration with Castle Island Ventures, Coin Center, and Mindfulness Capital.

The exclusive event, scheduled for March 1st from 5:00 p.m. to 8: p.m. at Lustre Pearl Denver, will bring together some of the leading capital providers and most aspiring early and growth-stage Web3 BUIDLers for candid discussion and sharing of experiences.

The dynamic program includes panel discussions and QAs focusing on understanding the current investment landscape, exploring best practices in crypto entrepreneurship, and foreseeing the key trends that will shape the Ethereum ecosystem and the broader crypto industry. Attendees can also enjoy a cocktail hour for networking.

The event’s esteemed lineup of speakers include:

  • Nic Carter, Founding Partner at Castle Island Ventures

  • Tom Schmidt, Partner at Dragonfly Capital

  • Ed Roman, Managing Director at Hack VC

  • Neeraj Agrawal, Head of Communications at Coin Center

  • Victor Ji, Co-founder of Manta Network

  • Sidney Powell, Co-founder of Maple Finance

  • Guillaume Lambert, PhD, Inventor of Panoptic Protocol

  • Austin King, Cofounder of Omni Network

  • Stephy Shi, Head of Eco at Mindfulness Capital

  • Megan Nyvold, Head of Brand at BingX

The event was curated with the purpose of deepening relationships and fostering constructive dialogue between the founders and funders groups, underscoring Bing Ventures’ collaborative mindset and deep commitment to fostering sustainable growth and prosperity in the crypto industry.

The venture capital and research firm has been holding a side event at ETHDenver, the largest Web3 BUIDLathon in the world for Ethereum and other blockchain protocol enthusiasts, designers, and developers, for the second year. It has been an active event host at other industry conferences with great success including Token 2049, Devconnect, Hong Kong Web3 Festival, and more.

Web3 Founders Funders has received an overwhelming registration of over 1,000 so far. To reserve a spot, visit .

About Bing Ventures

Bing Ventures  is a pioneering venture capital firm that backs startups and entrepreneurs driving the next wave of Web3 and blockchain innovations. Its team of crypto veterans and natives collectively brings decades of experience in investing in, incubating, developing, and marketing Web 3.0 projects. With a sector-agnostic, value-investing approach, it has a portfolio spanning infrastructure, DeFi, GameFi, DAOs, Web3, and more.





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