Bitget App
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Payment methods

Dutch Instant Bank Transfer Dutch Instant Bank Transfer
Google Pay Google Pay
Mastercard Mastercard

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Buy USDT with VISA

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1. You will be redirected from Bitget to the website of the third-party payment provider. Payment services are provided by a third party.

2. You must read and agree to the third-party service provider's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy before using their service.

3. For any questions relating to payments, contact the third-party service provider via their website.

4. Bitget does not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the use of third-party payment services.

1. What payment methods can I use to buy cryptocurrency?
Bitget currently supports VISA, Mastercard, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and other payment methods. The supported third-party service providers include Mercuryo, Xanpool, and Banxa.
2. What cryptocurrencies can I purchase?
3. Does Bitget monitor the quality and prices of the supported third-party service providers?
4. What fees do I have to pay to buy cryptocurrency?
5. How long does it take to receive the cryptocurrency after payment?
6. What if I encounter problems during the purchase process?