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Easy 5 to 100 USDT rewards every week for EUR, USD, CAD merchants on Bitget P2P!

Easy 5 to 100 USDT rewards every week for EUR, USD, CAD merchants on Bitget P2P! image 0

Earn $5 to $100 every week as EUR , USD or CAD merchants on Bitget P2P!
Open to all EUR \ USD \ CAD merchants from everywhere in the world!
Offer duration: long-term
Offer: How can I get a $5 to $100 reward every week as EUR \ USD \ CAD merchant?
CAD or EUR Merchants Offer
  1. Sell more than 1000 USDT to at least 5 different users of CAD or EUR market in a week to get a $5 reward every week.
  2. Sell more than 5000 USDT to at least 15 different users of CAD or EUR market in a week to get a $15 reward every week.
  3. Sell more than 10,000 USDT to at least 25 different users of CAD or EUR market in a week to get a $25 reward every week.
  4. Sell more than 50,000 USDT to at least 30 different users of CAD or EUR market in a week to get a $100 reward every week.
USD Merchants Offer
  1. Sell more than 1000 USDT to at least 10 different users of the USD market in a week to get a $15 reward every week.
  2. Sell more than 5000 USDT to at least 15 different users of the USD market in a week to get a $30 reward every week.
  3. Sell more than 10,000 USDT to at least 25 different users of the USD market in a week to get a $50 reward every week.
  4. Sell more than 30,000 USDT to at least 30 different users of the USD market in a week to get a $100 reward every week.
Sell USDT as a Merchant in the USD , CAD or EUR market and get a reward every week if you satisfy any of the following conditions. Merchants can also get rewards from more than one market.
Easy 5 to 100 USDT rewards every week for EUR, USD, CAD merchants on Bitget P2P! image 1
  1. Merchants with the highest USDT sell volume in a week from each market will be chosen for these rewards.
  2. Only the merchants who have sold USDT will be taken into consideration for this reward.
  3. Only the unique users to whom USDT was sold will be taken into consideration for this reward.
  4. Monday to next Monday will be considered as a week.
  5. Anybody can apply to become a EUR \ USD \ CAD Merchant on Bitget.
  6. Merchants are required to have a security deposit to Open EUR \ USD \ CAD markets. This security deposit can be withdrawn anytime with prior intimation. For opening EUR \ USD \ CAD markets, please connect with us on telegram @bitgetp2ppay or @Bitgetlamelo
Download Bitget App and apply to become our merchant as shown below!
Easy 5 to 100 USDT rewards every week for EUR, USD, CAD merchants on Bitget P2P! image 2
  1. Rewards will be distributed in USDT within seven working days after every Friday.
  2. Bitget reserves the right to disqualify users that perform wash trading, the bulk registration of accounts, and trades that display attributes of self-dealing or market manipulation.
  3. Bitget reserves the right of final interpretation of the Terms and Conditions. Please contact us if you have any questions.
You can also reach out to us on telegram @bitgetp2ppay or @Bitgetlamelo for any queries regarding Merchant application or email us at
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