PANews reported on May 24 that Bitget released its transparency report for April. In April, Bitget's spot trading volume increased by 34.8%, and contract trading volume grew by 61.9%. Currently, Bitget's open interest (OI) stands at $6.22 billion. The number of contract trading users increased by 23% in April, with 82% of accounts choosing the BTC-USDT trading pair. According to data from The Block, Bitget has become the leader in open interest (OI), accounting for 25% of the overall market share.

Previously, Bitget's contract trading volume surged by 146% in the first quarter of 2024, reaching $1.4 trillion. According to CCdata, among the top 14 derivatives exchanges, Bitget had the highest growth rate at 1.39%.

In April, Bitget launched Poolx (staking mining) and an innovative product called "Pre-Market Trading" to further meet users' diverse trading needs. Pre-Market Trading introduced EigenLayer (EIGEN) and Merlin Chain (MERL), providing users with early trading markets. Poolx launched 9 mining projects, with a total of 133,800 users participating, staking a cumulative 300 million USDT and 180 million BGB, with an APR yield range of 10%-45%.