PANews reported on May 22 that, according to Prospect, sources revealed that former U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is considering supporting a Republican-backed cryptocurrency bill, the "21st Century Financial Innovation and Technology Act" (FIT 21), during this week's House vote. Although Pelosi is no longer the Democratic leader, her opinions still carry weight among House Democrats. She remains one of the most prolific fundraisers within the Democratic Party, and the cryptocurrency industry has provided substantial campaign funds in the past two election cycles.

If Pelosi supports the bill, she will be at odds with the highest-ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee, Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA), and another senior member of Pelosi's California delegation, Brad Sherman. Both oppose FIT 21. In communications to House Democrats, the leadership has not indicated that there will be a mandatory vote on the bill, only stating that Waters and other senior members "strongly" oppose it. The bill is currently scheduled for a full discussion and vote later on Wednesday.