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Opera and Opera GX: Your Gateway to Earning Passive Income with Crypto

Opera and Opera GX: Your Gateway to Earning Passive Income with Crypto

2023-12-11 | 5m

Earning passive income with crypto is becoming increasingly accessible, especially through innovative web browsers like Opera and Opera GX. This article delves into how these browsers integrate a unique points system, cashback loyalty program, and crypto wallet, providing users with multiple avenues to earn and manage digital currencies.

Opera's Points System and Cashback Program

Opera recently introduced Opera Points, a novel expansion of its cashback program. Users collect points when shopping online, redeemable for fiat currencies like dollars or euros and soon, other products within the Opera ecosystem. This expansion aligns with the growing interest in Web3 technologies, offering users an enhanced online shopping experience​​​​.

How Opera Wallet Facilitates Crypto Transactions

Opera has pioneered the integration of a native crypto wallet, making it the first major browser to do so. This Ethereum-based wallet allows users to explore Web3, transact with cryptocurrencies, and manage tokens and collectibles. The wallet is accessible across Opera's computer and mobile platforms, ensuring seamless synchronization and secure storage of digital assets​​​​​​.

Getting Started with Opera Crypto Wallet

Setting up the Opera Crypto Wallet is straightforward:

● Create a crypto wallet in Opera Touch or Opera for Android.

● Activate the wallet from the browser settings.

● Connect the wallet to the Opera computer browser for enhanced functionality and secure transactions​​​​​​​​.

Earning and Managing Crypto in Opera

Opera's crypto wallet not only facilitates transactions but also plays a crucial role in managing earnings from Opera's points and cashback programs. With plans to incorporate blockchain-based points systems, Opera aims to offer even more benefits from Web3 adoption, including the option to exchange Opera Points for crypto assets​​.

Opera GX: A Unique Experience

While specific details about Opera GX's points system and cashback loyalty program were not readily available, it shares the core functionalities of Opera, especially in terms of crypto wallet integration. This synergy suggests a similar approach to earning and managing crypto, albeit with a gaming-oriented twist.

Leveraging Opera for Passive Income

Opera's ecosystem provides a multifaceted approach to earning passive income with crypto. By integrating shopping, cashback rewards, and crypto transactions within a single platform, Opera and Opera GX offer a streamlined and secure way to accumulate digital assets. The ability to convert points and cashback into crypto assets further enhances this potential, making it an attractive option for those looking to diversify their digital earnings.


Opera and Opera GX stand out as innovative platforms for users interested in earning passive income with crypto. Their points system, cashback loyalty program, and integrated crypto wallet create a holistic environment for earning and managing digital currencies, catering to both casual users and crypto enthusiasts alike. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Opera's approach offers a glimpse into the future of web browsing and digital asset management.

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are for informational purposes only. This article does not constitute an endorsement of any of the products and services discussed or investment, financial, or trading advice. Qualified professionals should be consulted prior to making financial decisions.
