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Buy Crypto With Fiat Currencies on Bitget

Buy Crypto With Fiat Currencies on Bitget

2023-02-24 | 5m

In this article, we will guide you on how to use fiat currencies to buy cryptocurrencies on Bitget.

If you have registered an account and completed verification on Bitget, let’s get started purchasing some crypto before you enjoy trading seamlessly on the platform. Otherwise, you may register a Bitget account here.

Hint: With our upgraded reward center, you can now complete your first-time deposit task and win rewards worth up to 5,000 USDT! Check out more details on how to earn the deposit rewards here.

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There are several ways to purchase cryptos with your local fiat currencies on Bitget, including Quick Buy, P2P, and Credit/ Debit cards.

First, please log in to your Bitget account, from the homepage, click ‘Buy Crypto’, and select payment methods available to your country/region.

Via Website:

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Via APP:

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Express - choose the fastest options to buy cryptos

Bitget currently supports 40+ fiat currencies, 100+ cryptos, and 70+ payment methods, including Mastercard, Visa, SEPA, SWIFT, and other local payment methods.

Head to the ‘Quick Buy / Express’ page, simply input your preferred fiat and crypto, then we will select the fattest options for you to choose from.

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P2P trading - buy cryptos from verified merchants

Using the Bitget P2P Trading platform, you can buy cryptos with your local currencies and at your preferred prices and payment method.

From the ‘P2P Trading‘ page, you can input your preferred crypto and fiat, then start browsing through our verified merchants.

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For more information on P2P trading, please visit Bitget P2P Introduction or watch the video below:

Buy cryptos with your credit and debit cards

Another option to buy cryptos on Bitget is by using third-party payment providers. All our third-party service providers have a high reputation, popularity, and security in the digital currency industry for providing users with fast access to buy coins.

Head to the ‘Credit/ Debit card’ page, choose the fiat you want to deposit, the currency you wish to buy, and the third-party service provider, then click ‘Next’ to purchase.

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See more: How to buy crypto with debit/ credit cards on Bitget

On-chain crypto deposit

Last, you can deposit cryptocurrencies from your external wallets into your account on Bitget.

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For more information on On-chain deposits and withdrawals, please see the below guidelines:

On-chain deposit tutorial (WEB | APP)

On-chain withdrawal tutorial (WEB | APP)

How to check your assets on Bitget

After completing the deposit/ purchasing process, you can head to the ‘Asset’ dashboard to check your assets.

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With your assets topped up to your Bitget account, you can now start exploring a wide range of cryptocurrency products and services, including copy trading, spot trading, futures trading, and much more!

Start trading on Bitget now!
